ASDR » Presentation

ASDR DezmirThe Association for Supporting Rural Development - ASDR

Our goal is to conceive, promote and implement means of supporting the development of rural communities by determining individuals living in rural areas, or connected to rural areas, to actively participate in our association’s actions.
ASDR aims at creating a linkage point between those remaining and those departing the village, so as they could mutually accomplish positive transformations for the rural communities, while preserving village values, beauties and traditions.
The Association was founded in November 2004 and formally registered in January 2005. 

The Association acts under the provisions of Government Emergency Order no.26/2000 concerning associations and foundations, as a Romanian private legal entity, non-profit fund or patrimonial, independent and with no governmental affiliation.

It was recorded in the Associations and Foundations Register by the Civil Court decision no.21/05.01.2005 issued by Cluj Court House.

Fiscal Registration Code (FRC): 17102676

Strategic Objectives (according to the Association’s statute)

O1) “to foster the beauties and values of Romanian villages, to contribute to their preservation and promotion, to revive traditions that are particular to various rural areas ”
O2) “to identify resources and apply for financing programs designed for rural areas in order to contribute to the process of improving life quality for rural inhabitants ”
O3) „to keep rural inhabitants informed and to council them in various matters
O4) “to enhance the diversity of rural activities and to advocate entrepreneurship ”

O5) “to recognize and to raise awareness on issues encountered by rural inhabitants, to promote the ethics of equal opportunities and to fight against setting aside rural inhabitants
O6) “to stimulate and encourage rural inhabitants’ initiatives that lead to a sustainable development, to promote volunteer actions

O7) “to set up partnerships with other EU entities and to encourage the use of best practices for rural development”

Locations used by ASDR in the village of Dezmir

  • In 2007 ASDR was granted by Apahida Local Council (by means of Bailment Agreement) an office for its staff in the village hall of Dezmir. We arranged there a lecture room equipped with furniture and computers.
  • Moreover, in 2012 ASDR was granted by Apahida Local Council (by means of Bailment Agreement) a location inside the building of Dezmir School where we could set up a crafts workshop.

Sala de curs   Atelierul de tesut
The Lecture Room                                                          The Weaving Workshop                                               

  • Since 2010 ASDR is a full member of  "Pactul Regional Nord-Vest pentru Ocupare şi Incluziune Socială"  (“The North-Western Regional Agreement for Occupation and Social Inclusion”) www.prois-nv.ro
  • Since 2010 ASDR is a member of the Grupul de Acţiune Locală – GAL Someş Transilvan (Local Action Group – LAG Transylvanian Someș ) www.galsomestransilvan.ro
  • Additionally, ASDR is a founding member of  Asociaţia Patronală a Furnizorilor de Formare Profesională din România (The Entrepreneurial Union of Professional Training Providers from Romania) (created in 2011) www.apffp.ro